Open Source Java tools for Java developers

Find Bugs :

Find bugs will detect the general and basic code mistakes and
also identify api mismatch,synchronization with thread problem,
all null check etc...

PMD analyse all the code and find out the important or
careless mistakes. like variable declared but not used,
try catch blocks with empty code,local variable defined but
not used any where,duplicates of import methods,


This tool iterate all the java files directories and generate the
document which  contains the desing parameters or metrics for
all the java packages.

JBoss Tattletale

This tool is more useful to get the over all flow of the project or
product. Also this tool generate the html report which contains
all the java files for the specific project.

This is the most powful tool and to check coding standard and bad code practices.
This standard covers all the conversions like naming conversions,method name, etc...


This tool help to analyse the cyclic link betweek the source code and libraries

This tool report the state of the current system and time for developement.
Also generate the html report to calculate the time for developement,

This tool help the java developer to check the rules at the build time.
Each build time it will check the rule of over all architure of project.

This code simply used to removed unused or unwanted or dupicated code.

 This tool depends with software system for physical dependencies.

 This is an open source tool for inspecting code for the project.
It will inspects different aspects of the code.