Using the API, you can load or cue videos into a player view embedded in your application's UI. You can then control playback programmatically. For example, you can play, pause, or seek to a specific point in the currently loaded video.
You can also register event listeners to get callbacks for certain events, such as the player loading a video or the player state changing. Finally, the API has helper functionality to support orientation changes as well as transitions to fullscreen playback.
Develop Android App with YouTube Android Player API step-by-step:
- Download and import YouTube Android Player API
- Register your app using YouTube Android Player API and obtain API Key
- Simple example using YouTube Android Player API
- YouTubeThumbnailView example
- Handle initialization error YouTube API Service
- Handle player state changes and playback events, by implementing PlayerStateChangeListener and PlaybackEventListener
- Force YouTube Android Player to run in full screen mode
- Example to use YouTubePlayerFragment of YouTube Android Player API
- Load specified YouTube playlist