How to construct a Strong Basement for Building

Top Ten important point of Strong foundation or basement
for individual home.

The best and good basements are starting with selection of good
materials first like strong bricks,sand,steel and water proof systems.

First the one and half full basement wall needs to be constructed
with Cement,Blue metal,sand and strong bricks like below.

Each wall needs to be constructed with all strong materials mentioned like
above and water stagnation process for atleast one week should maintain
and with proper sand.

After this process 2 feet or 3 feet height wall should be construct for all the
area surrounded house.

After that all the side 7 feet height all side wall construct with full of  strong bricks
and cement.

Then the lindle  should be constructed above the 7 feet height and after that 3 feet height
above final side wall should be constructed.

Finally all the walls in finish stage with complete roof construction.

Roof construction process:

 First all the materials wood or steel sheet should tightly fitted all the side walls
with proper support of materials.

Once the roof  construction is over we need to wait for 15 days with proper water
stagnation on top of roof.

Just refer the below image for further clarification