Shipping starts for Nexus 7 pre-orders at United statest and Canada.

Google Nexus 7 is the hottest device now.All the country eagerly looking for their turn on this.Google has announced their first tablet Nexus 7 on the Google I/O event  2012.Now its starts shipping for the particular countries as well as the pre-order user will get the first piece in UK and Canada.The pre-orders make on or before 13th friday of this month will be taken care today.Also our team in UK and canada will be
receiving the pre-orders Nexus 7 soon.

Google said that now all the users in US but Australia users can get the shipping Nexus 7 early as compared to US users.Also the 8GB model ordered before 13th July has already shipped and also the 16GB ordered placed before July 11th will be start shipping from today onward thats is 19th July.