Goog I/O 2012 reveal that 400 Million Smartphones activated Android and 1Million smartphones activate per day.

Google has officially rolled out the Android smartphone activation details in the Google I/O event. Then conference suddenly there is huge number on the screen every one is excited to when saw that numbers. that is nothing but 400Million 1 Million.That means as of now world wide there are 400Million of smartphone activation done which means the ultimately One million Per day activation of Android Smartphone in the market. These really awesome.So this number ultimately means that there are huge number of brands uses Android also there are plenty of smartphone which is available in the market with cheap price comes with Android software. In Google's I/O 2011 announced that there are 100Million activation last year but as of now there are 400 Million so there is huge change in that numbers.As well as Android market is growing day by day ultimately it says.