Microsoft's SmartGlass SDK now available for Developers

The Microsoft Surface and Windows phone 8 has reached the market and followed by Microsoft very interestingly develop their own product called SmartGlass. This SmartGlass software which will be used for Microsoft's Xbox software.The Smartglass development SDK kit now available for the developers those who interested to develop the app for Xbox 360.Alos all participant can't enter into this development once the Microsoft given the approval those users only eligible for developing app for Xbox 360.

All the eligible developers can download the developer kid means SDK from the Microsoft game developers website.Also developers will get the SmartGlass javascript librart as well as Xobox smartglass studio's sample example applications.So since the xbox 360 in pipeline still not yet released before that developer will start the application for xbox 360 and it gives the lot of apps before the product reached the market.