Get this Ambient Display On Any Android Devices: Another Always On Feature

Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 Edge and the LG G5 are shipped with a new feature known as Always-On. This Always-On feature keeps your device screen always on, keeping all the vital notifications you always flick your phone or press your device power button to check, ever ready to view on your device screen without ever having to press the power button or tap the screen.

Always On -ambient display

Gush! How about the device battery!? This feature does not consume your device battery at all.

In fact, it does not consume as much as the network signal on your device.

Beautiful! Isn't it?

Since this feature is not available for all android devices, though, there have few other Always-On ambient clock in the Play Store, one of the XDA Senior member; Turki Alkhateed just added another beautiful Always-On ambient clock to the existing ones.

However, this is a bit more advanced and stable compare to the previous ones.

Features of this Always-On Ambient Clock

  • You choose to change the CLOCK fonts from about 700 awesome fonts. (PRO only).
  • You can change the font size.
  • You can change the font color.
  • Change the opacity of the clock.
  • You can choose to display seconds in the clock or not.
  • You can choose to use 24hrs clock or not.

Other features include:

1. Double tap to unlock the screen, a feature known as LG knock on! in LG G5.

2. Clock moves every 10 seconds to prevent burn-in.

3. Elegant Missed calls and SMS Notifications.

4. The clock is hidden when the device is flipped or in your pocket.

You can download the app from Play Store here: Always-On Ambient Clock.